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Digital Marketing Company MumbaiThere has been a dramatic shift in how companies market themselves in the last few years. These days, businesses can harness their online presence via digital marketing campaigns. These are data-driven campaigns that connect and target a specific audience. While we now have more opportunities to reach people, it comes with greater competition for acquiring online visibility. In turn, it has resulted in a greater demand for personalized and highly targeted marketing strategies that focus on the needs of the company’s consumers. Further, for a company to run an effective digital marketing campaign in the B2B space, it must focus on lead generation. It can help businesses attract potential buyers and assist them across their customers’ journey, from the point of awareness to the acquisition and finally to making a purchase.

What is Lead Generation in Digital Marketing?

Lead generation refers to identifying, attracting, and converting users online to potential customers. It employs various online tactics, strategies, and channels, such as paid social media ads, email campaigns, and offering downloadable content via a landing page. Targeted lead generation makes growing the business easy, but it demands a special touch to execute.

AMSDigital is a digital marketing company in Mumbai that offers adept lead generation solutions to help B2B companies with online marketing, such as brand awareness, lead generation, and content. Our team works with amateur startups, growing businesses, brands, and enterprises.

B2B marketing involves building relationships, and we attest to that. Our team has worked with several B2B companies to help them boost their ROI by leveraging lead generation via digital marketing.

Top digital marketing services in Mumbai that we offer include:

  1. Paid Media or PPC
  2. B2B SEO
  3. B2B content marketing
  4. B2B lead generation

B2B digital marketing goes way beyond the cold emails. It demands a comprehensive funnel strategy involving ads, pitches, content, and more.

How Can AMSDigital Help You Generate More Leads?

To accumulate qualified leads, you will require an efficient digital marketing firm in Mumbai to help you get the sales you seek. A lead generation campaign often gets stressful with multiple variables and high competition. But with an agency like ours, you have nothing to worry about.

Here’s how we can help you get more leads:

Target Clientele

In our workflow, the first step is building a client persona for your brand. So, we document every detail, including your potential customers’ geography, problems, and what appeals to them. Why is this important? What’s the point in engaging with people who are not your potential customers? Targeting the right customers will bring in more leads and conversions. Our professionals track the customer’s interest and online behavior, making targeting people who convert in the long run easy.


Our next step involves strategizing. As part of this, we communicate effectively with the target audience and nudge them into taking the desired action for your business. For this, we craft a customer journey map, which serves as our guide throughout the process. A well-planned strategy helps persuade customers to take actions that will motivate them to shop for your product or avail of your service.

Content Distribution

With a definite strategy, we then decide the correct way to deploy the content. It can be the landing pages, LinkedIn, website, or other platforms. Regardless, we have a comprehensive marketing plan ready to put it all into action.

Correct content distribution is imperative in reaching customers where they are most present. When you understand this, assessing what information matters to them the most on a given platform becomes easier. Consequently, you will build content that aligns with your audience’s needs and simultaneously distribute it such that it matches their frame of mind at the given point in time.

Assessing the Lead Quality

When our content distribution and campaigns are in place, we begin working with your sales team. This helps us gather clarity on lead quality. We understand the type of responses received and make changes to optimize the content further. This step is crucial because not every potential customer or lead will shop from you, and not every ad will work exponentially well. Understanding the lead quality from every campaign can help us alter the campaign to achieve better leads and improved results.

Why Trust AMSDigital?

When allocating resources for digital marketing, over 50% of your funds should go toward lead generation. Having a good plan and making changes as it progresses is the best way to fetch maximum returns. Our team at AMSDigital believes that instead of employing lead generation as a periodic process, we use it as a tactic. It is the core aspect of every business and is necessary to establish customer-friendly experiences from the start.

Are you willing to gather more valuable leads? If so, AMSDigital is here for you. We are a lead generation company and a marketing firm with a track record of achieving top results for our partners. When you associate with us, we will build a personalized lead generation strategy that best aligns with your business. We will not give you any copy-paste plan. We take the time to understand your business and then draft a tailored plan to reach and convert your audience. Having us on board, you will never have to associate with multiple vendors, as we have professionals who can offer you everything necessary to get the desired results online.

About Author

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Specialized marketing, advertising and IT outsourcing service provider since 2017 AMSDigital is a providing skilled and experienced digital marketing specialist & software engineer at an economical cost. High expertise in SEO, Google Ads, social media marketing , eCommerce Marketing, Brand Awareness Marketing & Advertising, Digital Advertising Services, Website Design & Development Services, eCommerce Design & Development & Shopify Design. Our services are used by 150+ businesses across sectors